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What Is A Budget And Why Is It Important For Your Business To Have One?

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    A budget is used to project future income and expenses.  It may be carried out by individuals or by companies by estimating the projected income and expenses for the upcoming year.  It is a planning and outlining tool.

    By creating a spending plan it allows you to determine, in advance, whether you will have enough money to do the things you need to do or want to do, like planning for that two week vacation.  It forces you to map out your goals, save your money, keep track of your progress and make your dreams a reality.

    Following a budget will also keep you out of debt or help you work your way out of debt.  By creating a budget, it forces you to look at your spending habits; are you living within your current means?  What can you do to cut your expenses? Look at your current internet and phone contracts.  Do you really need everything that you are paying for?

    While creating your budget you should also look at saving money not just spending your hard-earned money.  Make sure you are putting money aside for retirement and try to make plan for emergencies.
    When you follow to the budgetary guidelines, the expectations are that the identified goals and objectives can be fulfilled.

    When things do not go as planned, the budget is the tool that identifies and focuses on the item(s) that departed from the plan.

    Within businesses, operations and responsibilities are normally divided among different segments and managers. Developing and following a budget, units and their managers are held accountable for transactions and events under their direct influence and control. Budgets should provide sufficient detail to reflect anticipated revenues and costs for each unit.

    It is important that businesses develop a budget; they need to have a plan for profitability. Typically a business creates a budget annually which, once approved, becomes the Annual Plan (or Budget).
    It is essential, both in the planning process and during the year, to monitor and manage actual performance; therefore, management input is important for the process to be effective.  It is also good to have someone in charge of the process which helps achieve the goals.

    It may seem like an overwhelming task to complete, but it will not be too long before your budget has become your habit and once you achieve that you will be on your way to meeting your long-term financial goals.

    2018 is right around the corner this is time to start planning your budget.  If you need any help I am always here to assist you.

    Denise Calderon, CPA in Minneola, Florida smiles as she holds a notebook in her left arm as she poses with green background

    Full-Service Accountant

    Denise Calderon, CPA

    Denise has over 18 years of accounting experience as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) in Virginia and Florida.

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